Earthquake relief update 2

Vi har bedt Hari og Roshan om at i første omgang at yde hjælp til deres egne familier i henholdsvis Ganesh Himal og Gorkha, samt at hjælpe Bishnu og hans familie.

Earthquake Relief update

Nepaleserne trænger til jeres økonomiske hjælp som aldrig før.
Vi har i dag sendt 10.000 kr ned til Hari til Earthquake Relief.


Lars skriver

For ti år siden havde Roshan, Bishnu og jeg familie og venner med på en trek til upper Langtang.
Den lille by der nu er totalt i ruiner lå hel oppe mod den tibetanske grænse med Langtang Himal som et gigantisk 7000+ vartegn.

Det er ikke til at fatte at dette sted simpelt hen ikke eksisterer mere…

Video-digt fra Nepal

Læs mere om Martin og hans film her

Martins mail til Lars

Hej Lars, namaste

Tak for din mail, selvfølgelig må du det. Det vil jeg være glad for. Du må også meget gerne sende den til personer i Nepal. Filmen er dog lavet før jordskælvene, men passer alligevel ind i den tragiske kontekst.

Sikke et fint arbejde I laver i Roshans Friends.

Venlig hilsen

Lars’ mail til Martin

Hi Martin

Faldt over din fine video om jordskælvet.
Vi har et mangeårigt græsrods hjælpeprogram i Nepal.

Tjek :

Jeg har en blog som jeg opdaterer.
Må jeg linke din video der?
Håber på hurtigt svar


Mail fra Roshan

Mail fra Roshan:

Hi Dear friend Lars and Kate

Thanks for the mail and many thanks for your great help.Yes Lars when
money come here I will go to Chepang village and also send money to
Bishnu and today i will call Bishnu and tell him about you and your
help and i will fallow your description and also will talk with hari
about to it and we will fix where to help and tell you.yes friend we
are busy here these days to get the news and sending help to the
village in different area.
give my Namaste to all our help full friends.

With best regards

Mail fra Chhewang

Mail fra Chewang til Lars

Dear My old but Young…Lars Lama Sherpa Friend & Kate,

Thank you for and I thank you so much for your good words. We are all fine. As a buddhist. I would like to to do more compassion with action so after helping my family and clients. I immidiately started running around the hills and helping poor children and women with shelter and food. Now the things have slowly improved but still there are lot of places where no aid has reached. It’s because of access. I am very sad about Langtang – the whole village is gone and many of my friends have lost their family, hotel etc. Tomorrow or the day after tom…I am going to Langtang to give some tents. Some of the danish girls. have raised fund to support. I am so happy that we have good heart people like you so that we can together rebuild nepal and we can stand. I am sure..HAri and Roshan is helping many as well.

Until then Take Care.

Much love and Best wishes from Boudha Stupa.


Mail fra Lars til Chhewang

Dear Chhewang, tashi delay

I Was wery impressed and glad when Kate and I saw the video of the danish Girl describing how you have helped people during the Earthquake !

You have behaved in a true buddhist maner with a lot of compassion.
It is always in the darkest hour that we can see what people are made of.
You are made of the right stuff and I am proud of you !

We hope for the best for you, your family and for the future of lovely Nepal.

Your Friend
Lars Lama Sherpa

Akut hjælp sendt afsted

Roshans Friends har lige sendt 15.000 kr ned til Nepal, hvoraf 10.000 kr går til Earthquake relief. Vi har modtaget følgende mails fra Hari og Roshan.

Mail fra Hari:

Dear Lars and Kate! Namaste!,
After Earthquake we been so busy and getting stress.After taking care of family and travelers,I have been supporting people in GaneshHimal reason/Dhading with my team.I help 50 family providing tent,mattress,food and medicine and came back on 3rd of may in the morning.We the Himalayan Trails travel Lazimpat and Highlander trekking Thamel trying all our best to support people in different effected areas.Highlander team also went to support 400 locals in nuwakot northern part of Kathmandu on 4th of may and it went very effective.Roshan and many of our staff lost house and Bishnu,s father has pass way by this Earthquake accident.I went to meet my mother in Dhading and she also lost the house.Highlander team is going to visit Bishnu,s home tomorrow with the relief fund and another logistic support.Government is trying all their best to provide the tent and food.But many areas they are not reach yet.We will help the people in different effected ares if there will be fund left.If any of the member want to support they are welcome.And we will coordinate accordingly.

Thank you for all your help to RF project.Many Regards to Kate and rest of the family member from all of us.

Yours Faithfully

Hari Dharel

Mail fra Roshan:

Hi Dear friend Lars and Kate
Thank you very much for your love to me and my family,yes friend i
came back to kathmandu yesterday from Gorkha,yes friend in gorkha my
house has been collapse totally and my parents,brother,his wife and my
sister are staying out side on the open ground,under the plastic tent
which i have made for them and next week i will go there again to
build small hot for raining season i try to make small bamboo shelter
for them and my plan to build house in november because this time we
did not get worker and other good or material for house building.yes
friend Our friend Bishnu house also been collapse and his father has
been hit by the land slide in his village and died so i will also give
him 1000kr for him this is my ideai keep 2000kr myself.Yes friend in
Shangrilla village there is no effect from the earthquake so school
building is fine there and houses are fine there and in Chepang
village our school is fine there and in the village three houses has
been collapse but no harm for the people there,i have call to the our
teacher and every day i am callinig to him to get the news so when
money will come here hari and i will talk together and we will find
out where we help and i will write to you all the things what we will
do here and also i will go to Chepang village.Our school in chepang
village start from today,i also tell the our teacher about their
salary so they will be very happy.Until today more that 7650 people
died and around 15000 people are casualty .In total 193000 hoouses has
been collapse.
give my regards to all the friend
Wish you all the best and again many many thanks for your great help.

Roshan og Haris beretninger taler for sig selv. Dejligt at se at de begge er der hvor der er brug for det!

Det smerter os at høre at Bishnus herlige far er omkommet under jordskælvet. Han var Roshans aller første porter og han var med Kate og mig både på Ganesh Himal trekket og på Paldor trekket. En skøn mand med glimtet i øjnene!